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In February, March and April, I have three stories coming out in two different magazines, all with ties to Colonial North Carolina. The current issue of Wrightsville Beach Magazine has the first installment and next month will have the second half of that story. Then, Our State Magazine will feature a story I wrote about the importance of taverns in Colonial America.

For Wrightsville Beach Magazine I went to Brunswick Town, one of the first long-term settlements in the colony of North Carolina. Brunswick Town was an important shipping center and was the site of the first Stamp Act Rebellion, a (mostly) nonviolent (well, no one was killed but there was an angry mob and a small siege on the Colonial Governor’s house) protest against the Stamp Act, a tax on all paper goods in the colonies. The town played an important part in the Revolution in North Carolina and later played a significant role in the Civil War and an even bigger part in the events just after the war. Well, If I tell you any more you won’t need to read the article. So, if you like history, or even if you don’t, you can read my story in Wrightsville Beach Magazine here.



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